Boulevard Kukulcan Km. 9 Lotes 9 y 9A1, Zona Hotelera, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

How to take a taxi from Cancun to Tulum?

Transportation from the ariport of Cancun to Tulum has different prices, qualities and ways of moving, these are our best recommendations so that you can choose the option that best suits your travel style.

The price of transportation. 

Taxi prices from Cancun airport to Tulum can vary. You will find options from $70 dollars to $200 dollars. This depends on the type of vehicle in which you want to travel to Tulum.

Taxi to Tulum

Before looking for transportation options, you must take into account that the trip from Cancun to Tulum is approximately 2 hours. So you have to be as comfortable as possible. Take into account that when you get off the plane you will feel tired from the trip to your country or place of origin. And that as if that were not enough, you went through the entire security system and in its case of migration. In addition to the wait to claim your luggage. So most of the time it is hard to get out of the Cancun airport. 


Private Transportation to Tulum

Private transporters can offer you greater comfort, you and your companions can enjoy the Van just for you. This type of transportation is ideal for small groups of up to 8 people, although there are larger units that can accommodate up to 14 people.

air transportation van

Car rent 

We definitely do not recommend renting a car, since the process is long and then you will have to drive yourself for hours to Tulum. Remember that you just got off the plane, tired from the trip. Another important point to consider when renting a car is that parking lots in Tulum are very expensive. You really won’t be using them for a long time since in Tulum there is only one avenue and the hotel zone. You will really prefer to walk or rent a bicycle to move around this small town in the Mexican Caribbean. In your tours you will find very interesting places where you can photograph your best travel memories, unlike doing it by car, you will have the problem of where to leave it. You would basically be renting a problem. 

ride in bike at TulumTaxis in Tulum 

Taxi fares for transportation within the town of Tulum are much more accessible with shorter distances. You will find rates between $5usd and $10usd depending on the distance. 

Bike Rental in Tulum 

As we mentioned before, renting a bike in Tulum is a great option to enjoy the famous places and restaurants that are close to your hotel. This is the most popular means of transportation in Tulum since, as we mentioned, it is a great experience. 

Excursions near Tulum

If you want to go on an excursion near Tulum, we recommend going to Coba. Visiting this Mayan city is a must stopover. It has a very beautiful archaeological zone, in addition, it has Cenotes very close, such as the one in Multum-Ha. As if that were not enough, there are many options to eat in the best organic and vegan place and of course the regional Chocococacao Maya that, in addition to eating delicious, teaches you to make your own soap and taste handmade chocolates with different local flavors such as Vanilla.